USA Hauling & Recycling attended the 2014 Connecticut Recyclers’ Coalition (CRC) Connecticut Organics Recycling Conference and Trade Show on December 16, 2014 at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville, Connecticut. Mark Murren (Permanent Sales Manager), Dave Casarano and Patti Oberg (Outside Sales Representatives) and Joe Engravalle (Major Accounts Manager) had a booth promoting USA Hauling & Recycling’s food scraps and organics recycling programs and to answers questions from attendees of the event about how the programs are beneficial to all involved.
The event included a speech from Lee Sawyer of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) on “…their plan to update the state’s current Solid Waste Management Plan pursuant to Public Act 14-94, including provisions for stakeholder and public input. The significance of the recycling of organic material as a key strategy to help meet the new 60% statewide recycling goal [was discussed] and an overview of Connecticut’s Organics Recycling Law.”
The event also included talks about community and municipal composting programs where panelists spoke “…about their experience and lessons learned from their community and municipal composting programs. [They shared] where they see challenges and promise for future small to mid-scale organics recycling to develop in Connecticut.” During the commercial organics facilities forum, they spoke about “The state’s leading commercial composting facilities and anaerobic digestion developers [explained] their system operations and various technologies. In addition, they [presented] their views on the promise each holds toward overcoming the challenges to diverting the state’s organic waste from waste stream as well as the creation of sustainable energy and products.” The final forum included technologies and infrastructure challenges for statewide organics recycling and composting. Panelists included “waste haulers and large institutional and commercial food waste generators [presenting] their perspectives on the infrastructure challenges that must be overcome to achieve a successful statewide organics recycling program. The panel [addressed] where they see key barriers and opportunities with current issues, such as costs and logistics.”
As a proponent of increased usage of organics recycling in Connecticut and nationwide, USA Hauling & Recycling continues to stay at the forefront of innovations and supports its’ increased recognition as a viable option for commercial and residential purposes. For more information on how their program works and why it helps the community, see USA Hauling & Recycling’s Food Scraps & Organics Recycling page.