September 21, 2016

By Sean O’Toole – Customer Service Manager

To be the best you must first have a clear understanding of what customer service is; as it is such a diverse area. Most people think customer service is a department that treats customers with a friendly attitude and tries to resolve their problem or question as efficiently as possible. This is true, however, there is so much more that has to happen for a customer to be serviced to their satisfaction. For example, if a customer calls us to change the removal date of their container, we have to then update the scheduling which must be relayed to the driver through dispatch. The route must be subsequently recalculated to ensure other customers experience are not effected as the driver may have been counting on the removal to make his next delivery. This is simply one example of how customer service is truly handled by the whole company instead of just the Customer Service Department. In our company, the whole company participates in customer service. We believe working as a team across all departments is what truly makes an exceptional customer service experience.

Michael Jordan is considered to be one of the best basketball players of all time. However, despite his great skill he could not have won any championships without the assistance and support of his team. His fellow teammates would aid him on the court by doing things like setting a pick for Jordan to make the crucial shot or making the tough pass to him for a game changing layup. He had such a long time in the spotlight due to his good team and great teamwork.

Our team knows that providing superior customer service needs to be solid much like an oak tree which consists of many living parts working & growing in unity. The root system is akin to our vast variety of service; our team is equipped to cater to all your needs, from the home, to your business or construction site.

The trunk of the tree represents our working platform for the day to day operations of our company. This includes our billing staff, operations workers, IT staff, web designer, and everyone that works to carry out the needs of the customer to ensure their satisfaction.

The branches of the tree are our Customer Service Representatives. These representatives are part of a diverse group with expert training, with plenty of experience to ensure all your individual needs are met in a timely fashion.

Most importantly are our leaves, our customers. The customers are the lifeblood of our company who provide the most valuable part of it all, their insight. This insight allows us to shape our company around our customers’ needs, which create the foundation of our company.

By providing your insight and opinion we are able to ensure the tree thrives. Without this, we slowly shrivel up to become a past memory. Your input combined with our experience has allowed us to grow over the past 41 years. Our service has a reputation of being seamless. From the person that takes your request to the driver that delivers the container. We understand it needs to be an all in effort with company wide participation.

To meet customer expectations reliability needs to be second nature. This is why we are selective in the equipment that we purchase, the mechanic that works on the trucks, and the drivers that provide the service. We know that we can not be the best without having the best to assist you.

Our oak tree is standing proud, thriving and growing every day. Through storm and calm, we have stuck with our core values. We do not run for cover when a storm comes, we in turn view it as an opportunity to gather rain to fuel our growth. These opportunities to learn, to adapt, to improve, and to keep doing what our customers love; has molded us into what we are today.

We are a diverse group of departments with one desire in common. We strive to provide paramount customer service, to internalize an instinct to assist you, to grow and to continue to train as a team. We accept that we may not always grow the fastest or make every shot; however, this is where our passion & purpose unite. As Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress: working together is success.” Over time we have come together from many departments into one company, standing united against any adversity ready to serve you. This is what makes our customer service the best!

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